SC Sage
Auto Data Driving Connectivity™
Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren and Porsche Real Market Data and Analytics
Hammer World by SuperCar Sage
Market Data & Analytics
SC Sage is the only truly independent resource for real market data on Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren and Porsche.
We are the only data provider that collects source data by VIN matching.
Daily updated data makes us the only source for ‘real-time’ market comps.
We track daily market averages for price allowing for historical comps and analysis of market direction.
Source independence makes us the only source for unbiased market analytics.
Our micro level data is used to establish values by collectors, buyers, sellers, media and enthusiasts.
Historical Vehicle Prices & Images
We operate the world’s only intelligent VIN parser for Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren and Porsche to organically grow our database.
Our VIN specific data is so frequently used for vehicle pricing that it influences the markets.
Once a vehicle is no longer advertised all source content disappears including all historical details and images.
We retain data ranging from pricing to notes to seller history and much more.
We pull assets such as images and seller indentification and contact data.
Assets in our database augment build, color, modification and condition tracking at the micro level.
Database Apps & Reports
We develop highly sophisticated apps to allow for simple web access to our data backend and analytics generator.
A common code infrastructure and a centralized database allows us to offer access at extremely low price points.
We are uniquely authorized to provide VIN matched AutoCheck reports.
No other data provider is augmented by on demand AutoCheck reports from Experian via Fast Link.
We generate a variety of daily reports which we deliver to your email inbox.
Our reports provide key vehicle data and market snapshots with direct links to target vehicle pages.