Sage Rank™ Charts
The SC Sage ranking system divides the market inventory into six possible value ranges or ranks based upon price and mileage. For supercars mileage is the primary determinant of value. These ranking can be used to determine if a vehicle is priced correctly in terms of the primary determinant. Mispriced vehicles may represent opportunity, a red flag or a vehicle whose price is simply in need of further explanation.
Typically, vehicles fit into the market inventory within defined ranges fitting the following overall distribution:
- ~ 68% of vehicles fall into either +1 or -1 deviation range from the median price and median mileage
- ~ 27% of vehicles fall into either +2 or -2 deviation range from the median price and median mileage
- ~ 5% of vehicles fall into either +3 or -3 deviation range from the median price and median mileage
The Sage Rank system uses the Sage Range system to calculate a vehicle’s rank in terms of the overall market distribution. The Sage Range app uses the following system:
- 0 = Expected (the market median value)
- +1 = Normal High
- -1 = Normal Low
- +2 = Unusually High
- -2 = Unusually Low
- +3 = Extremely High
- -3 = Extremely Low
The typical market inventory distribution of the Sage Rank system it the following:
- Sage Rank +6 = 0.05%
- Sage Rank +5 = 0.6%
- Sage Rank +4 = 3.4%
- Sage Rank +3 = 9.3%
- Sage Rank +2 = 13.2%
- Sage Rank +1 = 9.9%
- Sage Rank 0 = 27.1%
- Sage Rank -1 = 9.9%
- Sage Rank -2 = 13.2%
- Sage Rank -3 = 9.3%
- Sage Rank -4 = 3.4%
- Sage Rank -5 = 0.6%
- Sage Rank -6 = 0.05%
SAGE RANK 0 = Expected
Expected 0 = ~27.1% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank 0 means that a vehicle falls into the maximum balance range combination where price and mileage expectations match the market inventory. This ranking is considered to be normal and is representative of a large percentage of the market.
Expected Sage Rank 0 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 23.3% are +1 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range or -1 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
- ~ 3.7% are +2 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range or -2 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.1% are +3 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range or -3 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +1 = Minimally Favorable
Minimally Favorable +1 = ~9.9% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +1 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is minimally less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is not considered to be very far outside of normal and while it should be questioned it should be of minimal, if any, concern.
Expected Sage Rank +1 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 4.64% are +1 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range
- ~ 4.64% are -2 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are -3 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are +2 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -1 = Minimally Unfavorable
Minimally Unfavorable -1 = ~9.9% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -1 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is minimally more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is not considered to be very far outside of normal and while it should be questioned it should be of minimal, if any, concern.
Expected Sage Rank +1 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 4.64% are -1 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
- ~ 4.64% are +2 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are +3 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are -2 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +2 = Marginally Favorable
Marginally Favorable +2 = ~13.2% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +2 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is marginally less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considered to be slightly outside of normal and it should be investigated with a soft inquiry.
Expected Sage Rank +2 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 11.63% are -1 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are +1 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are -3 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -2 = Marginally Unfavorable
Marginally Unfavorable -2 = ~13.2% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -2 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is marginally more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considered to be slightly outside of normal and it should be investigated with a soft inquiry.
Expected Sage Rank -2 Market Inventory %
- ~ 11.63% are +1 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are -1 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are +3 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +3 = Favorable
Favorable +3 = ~9.3% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +3 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is measurably less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considered to be outside of normal and it should be investigated using a hard inquiry.
Expected Sage Rank +3 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 4.64% are -2 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range
- ~ 4.64% are -1 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -3 = Unfavorable
Unfavorable -3 = ~9.3% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -3 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is measurably more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considered to be outside of normal and it should be investigated using a hard inquiry.
Expected Sage Rank -3 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 4.64% are +1 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
- ~ 4.64% are +2 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +4 = Very Favorable
Very Favorable +4 = ~3.4% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +4 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is substantially less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considerably outside of normal and should be investigated with high caution.
Expected Sage Rank +4 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 1.85% are -2 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are -1 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are -3 Price Range and -1 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -4 = Very Unfavorable
Very Unfavorable -4 = ~3.4% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -4 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is substantially more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is considerably outside of normal and should be investigated with high caution.
Expected Sage Rank -4 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 1.85% are +2 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are +1 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.78% are +3 Price Range and +1 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +5 = Exceptionally Favorable
Exceptionally Favorable +5 = ~0.6% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +5 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is significantly less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is far outside of normal and should be investigated with the utmost caution and scrutiny.
Expected Sage Rank +5 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 0.31% are -2 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are -3 Price Range and -2 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -5 = Exceptionally Unfavorable
Exceptionally Unfavorable -5 = ~0.6% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -5 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is significantly more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is far outside of normal and should be investigated with the utmost caution and scrutiny.
Expected Sage Rank -5 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 0.31% are +2 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range
- ~ 0.31% are +3 Price Range and +2 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK +6 = Extremely Favorable
Extremely Favorable +6 = ~0.05% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank +6 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is incomprehensibly less than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is extremely non-normal and should be investigated with extreme caution and scrutiny.
Expected Sage Rank +6 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 0.05% are -3 Price Range and -3 Mileage Range
SAGE RANK -6 = Extremely Unfavorable
Extremely Unfavorable -6 = ~0.05% of the Market Inventory.
Sage Rank -6 means that a vehicle falls into category where the price is incomprehensibly more than the mileage would normally dictate. This ranking is extremely non-normal and should be investigated with extreme caution and scrutiny.
Expected Sage Rank -6 Vehicle Market Inventory %
- ~ 0.05% are +3 Price Range and +3 Mileage Range