Market Price Basic Timeline Chart

What is this for?
  • Track market price and inventory trends over time.
  • Forecast market direction, identify misvalued models.
  • Data points represent the market at the indicated date.
  • Market Inventory includes all vehicles on the market.
How does it work?
  • Submit a VIN to pull an instant 12 month matching chart.
  • Use the step through app to pull a chart by a spec.
  • Select a 3, 6, 12 or 24 month timeline when using the app.
  • Hover over data points to view exact date data.

Get market price trends for over 150 supercar models in the SC Sage database with this basic yet insightful price trend chart. There is no other price trend chart from any source which is as statistically robust and as current using source data updated daily. This chart is a must have general guide for collectors, traders, buyers, sellers, media and enthusiasts to understand market trends.

View Sample Market Timeline Charts

3 Month Chart Example

6 Month Chart Example

12 Month Chart Example

24 Month Chart Example

How To Apply This Chart
  • Understand short and long term price and inventory trends.
  • Share chart links to demonstrate where a vehicle fits into the market profile.
  • Use the chart link to insert the chart into an iframe.
  • View a video on using this chart.

This application or chart is only available to SC Sage subscribers with the required service level.

To Access This Section Review the Subscription Level Comparison Chart

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