Market Price Enhanced Timeline Chart

What is this for?
  • Track market price and inventory trends over time.
  • Forecast market direction using average to median spreads.
  • Data points represent the market at the indicated date.
  • Market Inventory includes all vehicles on the market.
How does it work?
  • Submit a VIN to pull an instant 12 month matching chart.
  • Use the step through app to pull a chart by a spec.
  • Select a 3, 6, 12 or 24 month timeline when using the app.
  • Hover over data points to view exact date data.

Get market trends for over 150 supercar models in the SC Sage database with this enhanced price trend chart, featuring average and median pricing contrasts. There is no other price trend chart from any source which is as statistically robust and as current with source data updated daily. This chart is a must have analytical tool for collectors, traders, buyers, sellers, media and enthusiasts to understand market trends.

View Sample Market Timeline Charts

3 Month Chart Example

6 Month Chart Example

12 Month Chart Example

24 Month Chart Example

How To Apply This Chart
  • Understand short and long term, average and median price trends.
  • Understand short and long term price change percentages to date from historical dates up to 24 months.
  • Estimate vehicle appreciation or depreciation rates by dividing the total price percentage change by the number of days to date from the observed historical date.
  • Evaluate and interpret short and long term, average and median price spread patterns and price spread pattern trends.
  • If the average price is above the median price the majority of the market inventory is priced below the average price. In general this indicates a weaker market or pessimistic sellers as most cars are priced below the market consensus of average pricing.
  • If the average price is below the median price the majority of the market inventory is priced above the average price. In general this indicates a stronger market or optimistic sellers as most cars are priced above the market consensus of average pricing.
  • Evaluating the price spread pattern trend, if the average price is above the median price and the overall price trend is down, in general this indicates a weak or pessimistic market as most vehicles are being priced down as time progresses.
  • Evaluating the price spread pattern trend, if the average price is above the median price and the overall price trend is up, in general this indicates a moderately strong, but undecided market as more vehicles are being priced up as time progresses but the overall market is pricing lower than average.
  • Evaluating the price spread pattern trend, if the average price is below the median price and the overall price trend is down, in general this indicates a moderately weak, but undecided, market as more vehicles are being priced down as time is progressing but the overall market is pricing above the average.
  • Evaluating the price spread pattern trend, if the average price is below the median price and the overall price trend is up, in general this indicates a strong or optimistic market as most vehicles are being priced up as time progresses.
  • Understand short and long term inventory trends. Increasing inventory can occur when prices are perceived as going up as a good time to sell or going down as a rush to sell. A relatively stable inventory at from 5% to 15% of the build has empirically shown to produce a fair market for both buyers and sellers.
  • Use the Vehicle Page App to evaluate the market inventory saturation for a specific vehicle or vehicle model by comparing the market inventory count against the database build count.
  • Share chart links to demonstrate where vehicles fit into the market price and inventory.
  • Use the chart link to insert the chart into an iframe.
  • View a video on using this chart.

This application or chart is only available to SC Sage subscribers with the required service level.

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