Account Management

Vehicle Locator Service

The Big Picture

SC Sage allows qualified members to request vehicle ownership history for any Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren or Porsche VIN in North America. VIN’s have to be in the SC Sage database. Please check that the VIN is in the database before submitting.

We use our massive SC Sage history database, our proprietary World’s Collections collector database of over 300 car collections and Experian data to vector the most recent identifiable owner of record.

Once we compile the ownership history, we provide members with this data in a report for use in prospective vehicle transactions.

Vehicle locator services are only available to active Premium, Premium Plus and Premium Pro SC Sage members.

A fixed fee of $2,500 per VIN is assessed for this service at the time of each request. If no owner data is available a refund is issued less a $150 search fee. Members are encouraged to pull an Autocheck report to determine if the vehicle is of interest before incurring fees.

Vehicle locator data is provided as is. Ownership can be fluid and data sources can significantly lag ownership transfers. SC Sage cannot guarantee that the data provided includes the current owner, that the contact data is current, accurate or complete for identified owner(s).

What's Included

The vehicle locator report includes one or more of the following. It may not include all of the following, including for any specific owner.

  • SC Sage vehicle history (if applicable)
  • Experian ownership history
  • Owner(s) name
  • Owner(s) city and state
  • Owner(s) mobile number(s)
  • Owner(s) email address(es)
  • Experian AutoCheck report

You must be logged in with the required membership level to access the Vehicle Locator service request form.


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