SC Sage

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Become a Subscriber to SC Sage?

Subscriber to SC Sage have access to unique and unparalleled data and content not available from any other source. In addition SC Sage susbcribers have access to unique add on services not replicated by any other source. Focused on the four predominant exotic car marques – Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren and Porsche – SC Sage offers its’ subscribers unique access to vehicle histories, market value stats, vehicle marketing platforms, and unique transaction services.

Who Should Be a Subscriber to SC Sage?

Enthusiasts, Influencers, Market Experts, Bloggers, and Journalists

From build counts to market values users access our data to increase their understanding of vehicles they own, models under consideration for purchase or marques to be covered in the media. Use of our data and analytics in forums, social media and other media is not prohibited but attribution is required under our Terms of Use.

Private Buyers and Sellers

We level the playing field for consumers without breaking the bank, saving market transactors the dozens of hours it would take to gain even a fraction of an understanding of the market for a specific model, year, transmission and color combination. The money saved using SC Sage can only be measured by the utility cost of not using SC Sage. For private buyers and sellers having access to our 2nd Hammer services is something never before offered directly to consumers – we are your rolodex.

Valuation Estimators

Professional valuation estimators requiring proof of market values use SC Sage to establish real market numbers. SC Sage allows screen grabs which can be forwarded to insurers and market transactors as part of the valuation package.

Collectors and Live Auction Participants

Getting access to private transactions for vehicles before they are ever publicly offered is exactly what our 2nd hammer services and the exclusive Worlds Collections platform are all about. We are every broker, dealer and auction house in a single source – at a much lower cost. In addition, auction participants understand that lot estimates are notoriously incorrect and often inflated over true market values. SC Sage provides real market price checking to guide smart money bidders. Auction houses also use SC Sage to try to set realistic opening bid requests as well as to set seller expectations prior to contracting.

Brokers and Traders

If we can’t locate a custom order vehicle nobody can. You provide the VIN and pay a nominal fee and we go to work. Bang for the buck there is no alternative. Finally, when operating on razor thin commissions you need to know at all times where the market is and where it is going. SC Sage is the only resource for daily updated market values and direction.

Franchise and Independent Dealers

Although dealers typically have access to more resources than most, dealers do not have access to the depth or scope of information available through SC Sage, other than through SC Sage. Smart dealers realize that having every market edge is necessary when marketing and transacting in high value vehicles – where the money is won or lost in 30 to 45 day cash cycles. Taking trades requires real daily data, and consignments that are not correctly priced make the showroom floor look weak. Add to our unique data service, Hammer World – and extremely high exposure low cost marketing vehicle and 2nd Hammer – which lets you take and fill custom orders – there is no excuse to not be a subscriber to SC Sage.

What are the Subscription Levels and Pricing?

Our pricing varies by the scope of the data, analytics and other content being provided and the add on services you can access. We are continuously expanding the services offered at each membership level without increasing cost. We do not limit access to vehicles by subscription levels, all users have access at their subscription level, to every vehicle in our database. Higher subscription levels have greater access to data, content and add on services. See our current service level and pricing.

How Do I Upgrade/Downgrade My Subscription Level

You never have to cancel your subscription with SC Sage. When you need to access services you can upgrade your subscription to the desired level. Then when you no longer need a particular service level you can simply downgrade your subscription to Free Basic. When you downgrade to Free Basic your purchased access continues to the end of your most recent billing cycle. Then when the cycle expires all billing stops and your subscription level is downgraded.

If you cancel your subscription instead of downgrading to Free Basic your access to paid services will end immediately end and you will not be issued a refund. If you cancel payment through your payment processor (eg. Paypal) instead of through SC Sage your access to paid services will end immediately end and you will not be issued a refund.

If you would like to change your subscription level follow these simple instructions. These instructions apply if you upgrading or downgrading your subscription level.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. From your Account portal, click the link to “Change”.
  3. The following screen will show you an overview of our available subscription levels with links to upgrade or downgrade.
  4. After you select a new subscription level, you will be directed to a checkout page in order to complete your subscription.
  5. Your previous subscription payment will be cancelled and a new subscription payment will be created.
  6. After successful payment (if the level is paid), you will immediately have access to additional subscription level content and services. If you are downgrading you will lose access to previous subscription level content when your billing cycle expires.
  7. Please note that subscription level downgrades are not prorated. We do not issue refunds under any circumstances.


Do I have to be an SC Sage Subscriber to Access Your Platforms and Services?

Your subscription to SC Sage is your key to access all of the product platform and add on services we offer. All of our platforms and special technology solutions are tied to your subscription level. For this reason if your subscription level changes your experience using our platform changes. As we add new features and services they are defined by subscription service level. For these reasons not all subscribers can access all product or add on services. For current service level definitions see the subscriber level services chart.

How Do I Access Your API?

A Premium Plus or Premium Pro subscription to SC Sage is required to access our API. In addition accessing our API requires agreement to our API terms of service. Our current API offerings can be found here. To request access to our API contact us.


Proprietary Data and Solutions

We do not use third party data sources, analytics or software for most of our applications. We do use third parties for front end platform, data storage, network services, media publishing and some highly specialized processing. We are 100% self-developed and 100% self-contained. All of our data is owned by us.

Experian Autocheck

SC Sage has an agreement with Experian to provide AutoCheck reports, on vehicles in its database, at no additional charge to its members. Autocheck reports can be pulled by Premium, Premium Plus or Premium Pro subscribers. Pulled reports are displayed no log in required to view . Pulling Autocheck reports is subject to a fair use limits.