SC Sage
SC Sage Chart Video Support
Basic Price Timeline
Get market price trends with this basic yet insightful price trend chart. There is no other price trend chart from any source which is as statistically robust and as current using source data updated daily. This chart is a must have general guide to understand market trends.
Enhanced Price Timeline
Get market trends with this enhanced price trend chart, featuring average and median pricing contrasts. There is no other price trend chart from any source which is as statistically robust and as current with source data updated daily. This chart is a must have analytical tool to understand complex market trends, and price and inventory direction.
Vehicle Price Comp Timeline
Compare historical average market price timelines of any two build specs in the SC Sage database. Compare across marques, models, body, year or transmission. These data are essential to collectors, traders, buyers, sellers, media and enthusiasts to establish market positions and values.
Market Inventory Snapshot
Understand the landscape of the current market inventory. vector mileage, price or $/mile to identify where any vehicle fits into the current market. This unique and proprietary chart uses vehicles which can be immediately located in the Market Inventory app. There is no other chart from any source which can provide the data set required to understand market values.
VIN Input for Apps and Charts Error Messages Explained
VIN input is available with most apps and charts. When using the VIN input for apps and charts a valid VIN must be used. If you are having issues with a specific VIN view this video. If you are still having issues with a specific VIN contact us.